Our Home Before
It's a mess but it gets better !!!!!
2001, We found 20 acres in California for only $75,000.00. We jumped on it since that is unheard of in California. A lot of hill, but if you go to the top of our property, you can see the whole city of Corona almost. It is beautiful and eventually we will build a house up there. But for now, the property came with a 2 bedroom 2 bath mobil home which hadn't been lived in for over 2 years. Only rats, wild dogs, and homeless were living in this home off & on for over 2 years and it was a total mess and junk yard. Alot to do, but we saw the potential in the property and knew it would be a long road.
The photos below are of when we bought as is and the cleaning up to make it liveable for us. This is only the beginning so we could just move in.

Back area. back door is to the right to go in

Decided to get a bigger home after all that work

After. The sink side of kitchen area done

After. before moving home, this is the front area cleaned up.