My best friend spoke to me last night a soft whisper in my ear. I woke up and looked around the room, I was startled, yet I had no fear.
My best friend said that all is fine Rainbow bridge is so much more. That there was so much love up there, even a beautiful ocean shore.
There is fields and fields of green green grass and the sky has different shades of blue. There are flowers, mountains, trees and clouds, everything they said it was, is true.
My best friend whispered in my ear last night saying "Please don't cry or be sad. That what was done, had to be done, for me to live my life now, so be glad".
My best friend said that I did the right thing an unselfish act on my part. And that this pain & sadness I feel will be gone soon from my heart.
I asked my best friend "How could this be I miss you so much everyday. That my heart hurts so much for you, I wish there could of been another way".
My best friend whispered in my ear last night "You...
Wrote this for a friend of mine who lost her golden retriever also.
My guy Max was turning 12 years old he was my handsome, loving big boy. Max & I always did everything together, My guy Max brought me so much Joy.
I lay sometimes in your bed at night missing & wanting to smell your "smell". Having to let you go was so hard Max, if you can see me now, you could tell.
You can tell I'm sad and missing you so but I'm trying to go on each & everyday. Trying to live without you here, It's so hard Max, what else can I say.
I know your love for me was unconditional I felt it and it made me a believer. No other dog will ever take your place, You'll always be My Max, #1 retriever.
So now that your are at Rainbow Bridge and we are no longer together, but apart. Forever you'll be, Forever for me, My Max is forever inside my heart.
So to my guy Max, Run fast and be free!!!! I can't wait until we see each other again I love...
What were you doing at that very moment when the first airplane slammed into the Twin Towers in New York on September 11th, 2001??
And as fast as the airplane struck, All Americans' lives were changed FOREVER, on this day. And I mean FOREVER.
FOREVER etched in our minds are the face's of fear and pain. The horror and terror in New York and all that destruction is something we gave no one permission to put into our minds only for it to change all of our lives....FOREVER
FOREVER GONE, are the people that were working in the Twin Tower's who were carrying on like any other Tuesday. So many , NOW broken up families, so many lost friends and lovers.
FOREVER GONE, is the chance to turn back the clock and not leave from where ever we are without saying a "goodbye", an "I love you" , or a "thanks", or "I'm sorry".
FOREVER GONE, are all the Companies destroyed, and people left jobless and now even homeless.
FOREVER GONE, the Twin Tower's as they were before all this horrible terrorist attack came down on us .
Ginger,Ginger my first golden girl I can't believe it's your day. You brought such joy to me Gin Gin so a poem for you if I may.
Your 7 years old & so beautiful and wiser I know than most. So let me begin sweet Ginger girl By showing you my love with a toast.
A toast to 7 short wonderful years of such loyal unconditional Love. And I know GOD brought you into my life and I thank God so much up above.
God wouldn't of gave me such a special girl such a special and loving Dog. You always cheer me when I'm sad or blue and especially when I'm a lump on a log.
You snuggle, give kisses, and love so much and have been one great big sister too. So Brandi, Ally, Chance all want to say Happy Birthday to their sister..That's YOU !!
7 Years of such happy happy times and loving all of us so much too. So HAPPY, HAPPY, birthday my gin gin girl Happy Birthday Ginger and we love you.
Wrote this for a family who also lost their golden who was my Golden's mom
Goldie was our very first pet she was the perfect dog. She was so good to everyoncome rain, sunshine or fog.
She bore two very special pups named Ginger and Root beer. The day we had to say Good bye, was the saddest day of the year.
you see, Goldie girl was more then a pet she had unconditional love. And how our family was blessed with her was a gift from God above.
The pain our family feels today will never go away. We are so blessed we had Goldie Girl, forever and to this day.
May you rest in peace our sweet GOLDIE GIRL and protect us from above. Because you will never know GOLDIE GIRL how much you are missed & loved REST IN PEACE GOLDIE